Apex Marts Group is a leading stock market advisory company in India specialized in offering effective stock trading tips to the stock Future investors and traders trading in NSE and BSE in India. We believe in facilitating all of our customers with high profits and high accuracy levels. with hi-tech software and gadgets instantly so that the investors get adequate time to get into the trade and acquire all the primary targets specified in the call.

Package features are designed particularly for day traders who do not trade in big volumes instead maintains low-risk with minimum investment in intraday trading.

Stock-Future recommendation services provided by us are self explanatory as all levels are clearly mentioned in our recommendations, which help traders to make right move at right time.

Service Features:

  • Clients will get just about 2-3calls daily.
  • Keep our clients updated with the newest market trends and news.
  • Continuous follow up and support by our Analyst &relationship manager
  • We provide you NSE, BSE & Equity Research call
  • Regular nifty reviews assistance and resistances
  • 9AM-6PM customer support
  • World market, Singapore nifty & other updates
  • Daily and weekly Equity newsletters.
  • Based on trader profile we advise trading strategies
  • A better attention all the time Sample of calls